Motorists are discouraged from cutting the corner and driving onto the cycle path or parking on the cycle path by these large sharp edged pieces of concrete.
The corner here is necessarily of larger radius than usual, and certainly of larger radius than you find in residential areas, because there are a lot of trucks in use in the industrial estate. However, they should not drive on the cycle path.
Note that the sand eventually goes between the tiles with sort of surface.
Update 29/1/2009. There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding about the angles of things in these photos. This is far from the best junction for cyclists in this area. However, note that at the point of crossing cyclists are crossing the road at very nearly a right angle. Also note that cyclists have priority at this crossing. Drivers have to wait in both directions. The first photo shows that there is a car's length between the road and the cyclist crossing which gives a space for a car to wait to pull into or out of the road.
2015 update
Unfortunately, the safe (no recorded incidents) crossing shown in the first two photos no longer exists. A roundabout of inferior design has replaced it.

The contrast on that first photo's not so good - when you said 'large sharp pieces of concrete', I didn't initially see them, and assumed you just meant the kerb . . . but looking at the second photo, it's obvious what you mean - those tank traps along the edge of the bike path! Very effective dissuasion from cutting across the corner.
I can just imagine the Health & Safety debate that'd cause here - "but people might trip over them", "but what if a car hits one - we might get sued", "but cyclists might not see them", etc, etc.
You're right about the photo. They also sometimes put these next to children's play areas to stop cars being parked on them. There is an example somewhere near here, if I go past it in the next few days I'll add it to the post.
To compare with the UK, look at this fine example of cycling infrastructure:
WOW! That kind of stuff makes this American cyclist's mouth drop open. That would never happen here, unfortunately.
David, are there cases of those being used for pavements? I expect they would be a risk for pedestrians, but if you have a picture of one it could be useful in our attempts to get the cars off the pavement hare
It's a very good idea, the same principle as speed bumps and probably very effective. I wish they would come up with things like this here in Australia. A few corners spring to my mind instantly, where they could protect cyclist's safety here in Brisbane.
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